Essential Oils as Tools of Self Discovery
I spent some alone time with myself today and it looked different than normal. I did a transformational breath self-session and then laid in a heart-opening position with essential oils topically over different chakras. Alone time without a destination, how lovely!
I picked the oils intuitively by asking my -NESS to guide me and know where my body needed them most. Here were the oils I was led to.
Patchouli (bottom of my feet) - supports becoming fully present in our body
Marjoram (Heart Chakra) - softens the heart and heals past wounds
OnGuard (Root Chakra) - wards off energetic parasites, domineering personalities and other negative influences
Melaleuca (Solar Plexus) - clears energetic baggage
I wasn’t surprised by each of their metaphysical + emotional benefits, it was exactly what I needed. If I picked with my mind first, I don’t think I would have chosen the same oils.
This process of allowing my -NESS to show me the way gives me the opportunity to learn more about my Truest Nature and what I can do to support that. Integrating all parts of me is of my Highest priority right now. I’m thankful I have direct access to Mother Nature in her purest form, therapeutic grade essential oils.
Let’s explore self-care from a place of deep knowing together.