10 Simple Tips for Creating more Happiness in Your Life


What up what up…I am SO excited to be back today with new pod show!! It feels like it’s been FOREVER, but I’m back from my trip to New Zealand, feeling refreshed and ready to keep the career advice flowin’ here on Career Coaching with Jessness.

What up what up…I am SO excited to be back today with new pod show!! It feels like it’s been FOREVER, but I’m back from my trip to New Zealand, feeling refreshed and ready to keep the career advice flowin’ here on Career Coaching with Jessness.

I was inspired by today’s episode during my drive home from work thinking about what helps makes a great day, well…a great day! What I realized was creating happiness doesn’t have to be hard. I think sometimes we make happiness into this big overwhelming goal where we set all kinds of unrealistic goals to make our days happy which results in the exact opposite of what we’re trying to do.

Tune in the show to learn about 10 super simple life hacks to help create more happiness in your day to day life. And the best part is that these tips don’t require extensive planning, money, or setting goals! They can easily be part of your day, today!

photo via @designsbylouie

Healthy MindJessica Smith